CSGDB Unveils Range of Improvements on “Kawader” to Fulfill Job Seekers’ Needs

The Civil Service and Government Development Bureau (CSGDB) – in collaboration with the Ministry of Labour and the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology- announced that it had made a range of improvements on the Kawader National E-Recruitment Portal that aim to enhance recruitment process and make it easier for job seekers.

The improvements include a new interface with multiple features, along with a new domain for the electronic site: Kawader.gov.qa, in addition to adopting Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Chatbot through linking “Sharek” platform to Kawader.

The improvements came based on platform users’ (job seekers) proposals; as they are the key targeted group in pursuit of streamlining the experience of utilizing the platform and making it more seamless.

The new interface of Kawader fulfills the needs of job seekers, especially that it created according to their feedback and comments, as the CSGDB held a pilot workshop last month to launch the new interface with the participation of a group of job seekers who were registered in Kawader through which they were able to test improvements on the platform and conduct the system evaluation.

Within the framework of linking “Sharek” platform which uses AI on the new “Kawader” platform, job seekers can either utilize the Chatbot to inquire about the status of the submitted applications or submit comments and feedback that would develop the platform’s system.

In addition, Chatbot evidently measures clients’ satisfaction in Kawader’s service to further optimize its performance, as the electronic link offers quick response to the requests and inquiries of job seekers, as well as providing streamlined procedures.

The new features that can be accessed more easily than before through the home page, such as dashboards that displays all list of job applications and offers options of cancelation on the same page, including the number of submitted applications and the remained ones and the streamlined access to the available vacancies and resumes.

The page offers job seekers a chance to review the general classification and placing it in the system of lists that classify job seekers according to priority, along with the full record of short messages, official notifications, and alerts received by job seekers from the “Kawader” team, as well as other range of services.

Source: Qatar News Agency