Minister Stresses Historical Significance of Stamp Museum during Jordan Post Visit

Amman: Minister of Government Communications and government spokesperson Muhannad Mubaidin emphasized the significance of preserving and showcasing the Stamp Museum, which chronicles the historical evolution of the Jordanian state.

During his visit to the Jordan Post Company on Thursday, accompanied by Reham Masri, the Director General of the Royal Hashemite Documentation Center, Mubaidin highlighted the importance of making the museum accessible to the public. He underscored its role in illuminating the Kingdom’s accomplishments, documenting national events, and utilizing stamps as historical references.

Sami Daoud, Chairman of the Jordan Post Company, stated that the company is actively engaged in documenting the various stages of the country’s history through commemorative stamps spanning from its inception to the present.

Daoud expressed the company’s readiness to collaborate with the center on initiatives that contribute to the documentation efforts in the Kingdom.

Source:Jordan News Agency