Supported by KSrelief, Prostheses Center in Aden Serves 289 Yemenis in March

Aden, In March, the Prostheses and Rehabilitation Center in Aden extended medical services to 289 Yemeni individuals who had suffered limb loss.

This support was made possible through the assistance provided by the King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KSrelief).

During the previous month, the center delivered a total of 632 services, with males comprising 65 percent of the beneficiaries, while females accounted for 35 percent.

Among the recipients, 61 percent were displaced individuals, while 39 percent were residents.

The services provided encompassed the installation and rehabilitation of artificial limbs, physical therapy, and specialized consultations.

This initiative is part of Saudi Arabia’s commitment to humanitarian and relief projects through its humanitarian arm, KSrelief, aimed at alleviating the suffering of the Yemeni people.

Source: Saudi Press Agency