The Ministers of Economy and Industry discuss the economic situation in Bethlehem Governorate

BETHLEHEM-Ma’an- Minister of National Economy Mohammad al-Amour and Minister of Industry Arafat Asfour discussed on Wednesday with economic figures in Bethlehem Governorate the economic situation in the governorate and the efforts made by the government to strengthen the steadfastness of citizens in light of the challenges they face.

The field visit to Bethlehem included a meeting with Bethlehem Governor Mohammad Taha Abu Alia, economic figures, the Chairman and members of the Board of Directors of the Bethlehem Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture, the Chairman and members of the General Federation of Industries, and a visit to a number of factories and the Directorate of the Ministry of Economy. During the visit, the overall economic situation in the governorate, priorities and required needs were discussed.

The governor reviewed the difficult economic situation in the governorate as a result of the repercussions of the Israeli aggression since last October and its needs, including building an i
ndustrial school in addition to the vocational training center in Beit Jala to accommodate the increasing numbers, activating productive professional and industrial crafts, and the need for development projects to improve the difficult economic situation.

The two ministers explained that the visit comes within a program of field visits to the governorates to identify their needs and participate in developing possible measures to address the problems and challenges facing the governorate, and to enhance communication with citizens and listen to their concerns and problems, reviewing the government’s agenda and program.

They stressed the real partnership with the private sector in developing policies and procedures, which represents the backbone of the economy and the main driver of the economy, pointing to the efforts made to enable the private sector to play its role in light of the current challenges according to the available capabilities and potential.

They pointed out that the real partners of the mini
stry are the private sector, which plays a major role in economic policies and achievements, stressing the importance of cooperation with them.

The activists stressed in their meeting with the two ministers at the headquarters of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry the importance of holding more meetings with the relevant authorities to ensure that the needs of the private sector are met more effectively, expressing their hope that the private sector will feel the effects of this visit in the coming period.

The two ministers met with the head and members of the Palestinian General Federation of Industries, during which a number of issues related to developing the legislative environment and its role in expanding the industrial production base were raised, interest in industrial zones and investment in areas called (C), allocating production and development projects, and the obligation of the national product in government tenders, as well as other issues that contribute to developing and growing the indust
rial sector.

Source: Maan News Agency

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