A legal expert confirms the need for the law prohibiting normalization with the Zionist entity to focus on trade and contracts and criminalize them of all kinds

Baghdad Legal Expert Ali Al-Tamimi stressed the need for the law prohibiting normalization with the Zionist entity to focus on trade and contracts and criminalize them of all kinds.

Al-Tamimi said in a statement: The Iraqi Penal Code punishes in Article 201 of it for promoting the principles of Zionism with the death penalty or dealing with its various institutions or helping them financially or morally to achieve their goals in any way, noting that some Arab countries, including Tunisia, Morocco and Algeria, have enacted such laws with brief and decisive articles, physical and material penalties, and fines.

Al-Tamimi stressed that the Iraqi draft law needs to focus on trade and contracts with the Zionist entity and criminalize it in all its economic, political, social and other types, and that this law punishes the attempt to commit these crimes and refers them to Article 31 of the Iraqi Penal Code, as well as for participating in this crime and referring it to Article 47, 48 and 49 of the Iraqi Penal Code.

Al-Tamimi called for the penalty to be a felony not exceeding 10 years in prison and a fine of no more than 30 million dinars, and that the fines include parties and legal persons, hold those responsible accountable and prevent the party from participating in any political activity.

He continued, as the law needs to define for us who is the party that is moving the complaint, which I see as the public prosecution, whether directly or through the communications it receives or the investigation court, also through the complaint or the communication.

He added that the law must stipulate penalties for the media and social media that may commit these crimes, and that they are referred to Articles 81, 82, 83 and 84 of the Iraqi Penal Code, and oversight is from the security services, for social media.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency