Meeting of the Executive Office of UNESCO’s International Convention against Doping in Sport Kicks off Today

Riyadh, Riyadh will host today the third meeting of the executive office of the state parties of UNESCO’s International Convention against Doping in Sport “the seventh session”, which will be held over two days.

The meeting will be held in the presence and participation of the secretary general of the convention, UNESCO deputy director general and representatives of the following: World Anti-Doping Agency, International Olympic Committee, Interpol, European Union, African Union, International Center for the Prevention of Crime, and head of approvals in UNESCO convention, in addition to the head of the executive office for UNESCO and deputy sports minister in the Dominican Republic, and deputies of UNESCO director general: Russian minister of sports, Senegal’s minister of sports, advisor of the minister of sports in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Chinese deputy minister of sports.

The meeting will go over several agendas that concern developments in the convention, follow up on the application of the 191 state parties to the convention goals, issuing resolutions related to compliance, in addition to discussing the agenda of the main conference scheduled to be held in Paris, UNESCO headquarters, during next October.

Source: Saudi Press Agency